

Empowering audiences to transform adversity into strength, clarity, and unstoppable momentum.

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Whether you're in any facet of healing, the medical field, a support group, or a caring community, Shawna is the speaker you need. While she may not have an MD after her name, she brings 25 years of personal experience fighting cancer, advocating, and encouraging others.

Shawna effortlessly blends humor, inspiration, and storytelling, creating a presentation style that is both authentic and vulnerable. Her dynamic approach engages and captivates audiences, making complex topics accessible and relatable.

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Shawna masterfully connects soul and science on a variety of hot topics, providing valuable insights and practical tools. Her goal is to equip and empower her audience, leaving them inspired and ready to take action. Experience the transformative power of Shawna's story at your next event or retreat.

  • Speakers who talk about what life has taught them never fail to keep the attention of their listeners.

    Dale Carnegie

  • The greatest glory of living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

    Nelson Mandela

  • In the depths of winter,I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer

    Albert Camus

Title of Section

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orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

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